มาตรฐานทางด้านอุตสาหกรรม : Industry standards
- Directive 2002/95/EC: “Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive” (RoHS)
- Directive 2004/22/EC: “Measuring Instruments Directive” (MID)
- Directive 97/23/EC: “Pressure Equipment Directive” (PED)
- IEC61508: “Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems” (SIL)
- NACE MR 0175, NACE MR 0103: “Sulfide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oilfield equipment”
- API Recommended Practice 2350: “Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities”
- API MPMS: “Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards”
- EN 1127: “Explosive atmospehres – Explosion prevention and protection”
- IEC 60079: “Equipment protection”
- EN 1092: “Flanges and their joints”
- EN 13463: “Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres”
- TIA-485-A: “Electrical Characteristics of Generators and Receivers for Use in Balanced Digital Multipoint Systems “
- IEC61511: “Functional safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector”
- IEEE 754: “Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic for microprocessor systems “
- ISO4266: “Petroleum and liquid petroleum products – measurement of level and temperature in storage tanks by automatic methods”
- ISO6578: “Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids – Static measurement – Calculation procedure”
- ISO 11223: “Petroleum and liquid petroleum products – Determination of volume, density and mass of the contents of verical cylindrical tanks by Hybrid Tank Measurement Systems”
- ISO15169: “Petroleum and liquid petroleum products – Direct static measurement – Measurement of content of vertical storage tanks by hydrostatic tank gauging”
- JIS K2250: “Petroleum Measurement Tables”
- JIS B 8273: “Bolted flange for pressure vessels”
- G.I.I.G.N.L.: “LNG Custody transfer handbook”
- NAMUR NE043: “Standardization of the Signal Level for the Failure Information of Digital Transmitters”
- NAMUR NE107: “Self-Monitoring and Diagnosis of Field Devices”
- PTBA-A-4.2: “Volume measuring devices for liquids in a stationary condition – Storage containers and their measuring devices”
มาตรฐานทางด้านมาตรวิทยา : Metrological standards
- OIML R85 (2008) “Requirements for ambient temperature low –25 °C (–13 °F) and ambient temperature high +55 °C (+131 °F)
- “Mess- und Eichverordnung” (Calibration regulations for the Federal Republic of Germany)
- Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments